Proactive conservation

Proactive conservation describes voluntary efforts with the goal of conserving or restoring biodiversity and habitats, focusing on conservation of species, primarily in the U.S. Lower 48, before they need to be protected through government regulations. Voluntary conservation actions benefit species that are at risk of becoming threatened or endangered in the future as well as species already designated. Our efforts are designed to create positive outcomes by reducing impact on biodiversity or nature and by contributing to restoration.
ConocoPhillips has provided long-term support for the conservation, restoration and improvement of more than 20 million acres through collaboration with our conservation partners. Since 2014, roughly 400 bird migration routes have been tracked and more than 40 scientific discoveries have been published, enabled by funding ConocoPhillips provided to the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Project. Working with other notable partners such as the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Yellowstone Forever, Pheasants Forever and Migratory Bird Joint Ventures, we supported dozens of projects in 2023 that will improve and expand habitat size, connectivity and quality to benefit grassland bird species, large game, such as pronghorn, elk and mule deer, fish and other aquatic species.