Local Community Giving

In communities across the globe, our taxes and investments contribute to economic growth, and we also work to determine ways to be good neighbors. This includes working with community members and partners to meaningfully and measurably contribute to each community’s unique needs by identifying and addressing areas of local concern through charitable investments and volunteerism in support of education, health and safety, the environment, the arts, civic and social services, and disaster relief.
With our recent expansion into the Permian, we significantly increased our investment in this region. This funding supported a number of social services and education initiatives. Investments included support for the West Texas Food Bank (WTFB) campus expansion which will help address the needs from the rapidly growing population. Funded education initiatives included support of the Bynum School for children with disabilities, Midland Independent School District Education Foundation and Midland College student scholarships.
Education remains an important focus for our charitable giving. In Alaska, we supported the Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program (ANSEP) efforts to place Alaska Natives in science and engineering on a career path to leadership. We also donated $1.5 million in high-tech equipment to seven universities including Prairie View A&M, Colorado School of Mines and Texas Tech University following the decommissioning of our Bartlesville Research Center.
Local community giving
Our donations support education, health and safety, natural resources, the arts, civic and social services and disaster relief.