When conducting its review of the appropriate skills and qualifications desired of directors, the Committee on Directors’ Affairs considers diversity of age, skills, gender and ethnicity. As part of the board refreshment and succession planning processes, the board balances its commitment to maintaining institutional knowledge with the need for diverse perspectives.
Board Skills and Experience Diversity
CEO or senior officer CEO or senior officer experience demonstrates a practical understanding of organizations, processes, strategy, risk, and risk management. |
Financial reporting Financial reporting, audit knowledge, and experience in capital markets, both debt and equity, are critical to ConocoPhillips’ success. |
Industry Industry experience provides valuable perspective on issues specific to our business within the energy industry |
Global Global business or international experience provides valued perspectives on how we grow our businesses outside the United States |
Regulatory/government Regulatory/government experience offers valuable insight into how the energy industry is heavily regulated and directly affected by governmental actions and decisions |
Environmental/sustainability Environmental/ sustainability experience ensures that strategic business essentials and long-term value creation for stockholders are achieved with a responsible, sustainable business model. |
Technology Technology expertise adds exceptional value to our Board as we increasingly utilize our global data assets to monitor and optimize our operations. |
Public company board service Public company board service experience supports our goals of strong board and management accountability, transparency, and protection of stockholder interests. |
Human capital management Human capital management experience is essential for effective oversight on matters such as culture, succession planning, development, and retention |